Rittergut Jahnishausen

This manor encompasses a space of 3,5 hectares and 12,000 square meters of useable space within 20 buildings. The premises were acquired in 2001 by the Siedlungs- und Wohnungsbau Genossenschaft e.G. and subdivided into various partial projects and various development phases. Further projects still to be carried out include the creation of seminar and guest spaces, further apartments and office spaces, a community kitchen and cultural and commercial uses.
Client Bauherr Siedlungs- und Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft e.G
Budget 6.5 Mio EUR
Period 2002-2005, completed
Our tasks  2002-2005 Counseling, Loan acquisition, Initial expert advice, Land contract, Moderation/facilitation, Project management, Workshops/Future workshop
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